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Seals and Lighthouses

Angels Gate Lighthouse, CA, photo courtesy Lighthouse keepers develop a relationship with the sea and learn to appreciate its personality. They also acquire an understanding of the creatures that live within it. Marine animals can provide food for the keepers, but they can also provide company. Along the west coast of the [...]

By |2017-05-18T17:07:25-05:00May 20th, 2016|Lighthouse Blog Category|1 Comment

To Have and To Hold On! – Lighthouse Weddings

Mile Rocks Lighthouse, CA, old postcard courtesy Lighthouse Digest. Weddings take place in a variety of places. In addition to traditional church weddings, many couples opt for more picturesque or unique settings. From beaches to gardens to mountaintops, marriages are performed in places significant to the two being wed. Lighthouses have long been [...]

By |2017-05-18T17:07:25-05:00April 28th, 2016|Lighthouse Blog Category|2 Comments
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