Island ParadiseLately, I’ve read several lists of gifts for writers. While they may be practical, useful, and appreciated, I thought of several other things I’d like to have. Of course, being a writer, my imagination does sometimes run away with itself, so I realize the gifts on this wish list might be a bit difficult to come by. Let me know if there’s something you’d like to add to the list.

1)      Motivation to start writing

2)      Encouragement to keep on writing

3)      More time to writepicture of library

4)      No Distractions

5)      Ideas

6)      Unlimited supply of fresh coffee or tea

7)      An on-suite bathroom because of above request.

8)      Treadmill in the office to stay in the creative zone while exercising.

9)      Unlimited supply of chocolate

10)   Email and Facebook without advertising spam

11)   No computer problems

12)   Editors and publishers who love us and our writing

13)   Readers who love our writing.

14)   A housekeeper

15)   Families who understand

16)   A private island or cabin getaway for writing (okay, that’s a stretch)little_cabin_in_the_woods_by_uhm_fish_doctor-d5sqari

17)   Energy

18)   Shelves (not just our own) lined with our books

19)   Worry-free life (oh wait, that’s in heaven, not here)

20)   Finished, polished, perfect manuscript.

21)  Reviews, preferably favorable.



So, are these gifts possible to have? Maybe they are..

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7